The English Patient

Lashings of apologies...
all around.
[ Continues ]
[ Giggling ]
[ Song Ends ]
Thank you.
[ Slow Song Begins ]
- Why were you holding his collar ?
- What ?

"What" ? That boy.
That little boy.

You were holding his collar.
You were gripping his collar. What for ?

Hmm ?
Is he next ?

Are you going to drag him
into your little room ? Where is it ?

Is this it ?
- Don't do this.
- I've watched you.

I've watched you
at garden parties,

on verandas,
at the races.

- How can you... stand there ?
- Please.

How can you
ever smile,

as if your life
hadn't capsized ?

You know why ?
Dance with me.
Dance with me.
I want to touch you.
I want the things which are mine,
which belong to me.

Do you think you're the
only one who feels anything ?

Is that what
you think ?

[ Continues ]
