The Frighteners

Persistent residue of the departed.
Always a problem this time of year.

Thank you.
Thank you for coming.

The activity is located where?
I don't know. It went quiet
about 5 minutes ago.

Went quiet?
The dining room table spun
in a counterclockwise direction?

I don't think that happened.
The toilet seat lid
banged up and down?

- Did the bed levitate?
- Yeah. With me on it.

Spontaneous recurrent psychokinesis.
Oh, boy.

This could be the worst case
I've ever seen. It's bad.

Well, I can do a clearance,
but it's not going to be cheap.

I do offer a six-month guarantee.
How much?
And there is a 30% surcharge for making
a house call after midnight.

And there's vehicle, gas.
I'd say the whole thing will set you
back about $450.

We could forget about the fence,
call it even.

Stand back, ma'am. I don't want you
to have to sign a waiver.

Plus, a hundred bucks
for materials.

Just do it, for Christ's sake.
Here we go.
Why us? Why are they in our house?
Emanations are normally confined
to the cemetery...

although they do escape.
Usually young ones.
Oh, for God's sake, come on.
Come on.
