The Frighteners

at Jesson's Hardware Store
and Building Supply...

on Third and Garrett--
Third and Garrett.

Third of July.
Seven blades. Three.
you're mumbling; we can't
understand a word you're saying.

12:33 P.M.
Their '84 Volvo heads into the hills.
It is the last time anyone
will see the couple together.

By Bannister's admission...
the argument continues,
reaching a point...

when Debra demands...
to be let out.
At that moment, probably 12:36,
12:37 P.M., the car...

Ieaves the road on a curve...
presumably because Bannister
was driving too fast.

She was killed?
Her body was found
15 yards from the car.

was picked up 2 hours later,
wandering in the woods.

He claimed to have no recollection
of the events...

that occurred after the accident.
But here's the odd thing,
Mrs. Lynskey.

His utility knife...
was missing.
And to this day,
it has not been found.

But do you know
what was really bizarre?

Debra's corpse
had the number 13...

carved into its forehead.
Unlucky for some.
You're insane. You're talking
about a mythical figure.

A pseudo-religious icon
from the 12th century.

Save your pea-brained prattle
for the classroom, boy.

That was the Soul Collector.
He's been taking people out
since time began.

He's going about some dark business
here in Fairwater...
