The Great White Hype

Come on. Let's go.
I like this guy. Squeaky-clean, shit-don't-
stink, Mouseketeer-looking motherfucker.

- Yeah. Pat Boone in boxing gloves.
- You know, John Wayne is his uncle.

- Watch him get Mouseketeer ears.
- Don't look like John Wayne now.

- Next.
- Come on. Get the next one on.

- This guy's hair!
- Tarzan.

- He's part of the space programme.
- This guy's good. Swarthy, mysterious,

strong-jawed, sexy... Women might like it.
- They'll eat it up.
- He's a Suave Bola guy.

- Try to towel off.
- Next.

- There in South Africa, the...
- South Africa, Julio? South Africa?

- Good for you.
- Oh, I felt that.

- Dolph Lundgren.
- I like this guy.

- I was at this fight. Two months ago.
- Yeah? What happened?

- Watch.
- Rocky VI.

- Oh, my God.
- That guy had to have his jaw rewired.

Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.

My God. It's a shame political power in this
country's not determined in a boxing ring.

If it was, we'd learn how to fight.
- See? I told you...
- You told me shit, Julio!

- I have an idea.
- Hey. Shut the fuck up and run the tapes.

Oh, you're gonna clown me?
You can run this shit yourself.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
He apologizes.
Speak, please. Come on.
I was simply trying to say...
