The Great White Hype

- Flattery is not gonna work. My course is...
- Oh, no, no, no. I wanna offer you a job.

I heard they're gonna do Cops: The Musical.
That could be unreal.

Well, they did it with the...
- You OK, boss?
- Never more lucid. Turn on the camera.

Thank you. Thank you, Artie.
Some said that this upcoming title fight
is built around racism.

But is it racism that electrifies people
across the globe?

Or is it a pride in your tribe?
The dimly remembered throb
of drums in the night,

or the white hoarfrost of an early morn
against the gleaming,
sinuous muscle of the jungle night.

You can't do this to me.
I've been Sultan's publicist for 20 years.

Boss says you're gone, you're outta here.
I'll sue you so fast,
you won't know what hit you.

Man, shut up.
I got you guys this job!
He's right.
You better watch your back!
Mitchell, have you sold out?
I'm taking the road less traveled by.
And what happened to,
um, "crusading for the truth"?

What is the truth, after all?
History, they say, is written by the winners.

Fuck you, you whore. I quit.
Oh... Vivian.
We can win a Pulitzer.
- Will you come on?
- Watch this.
