The Pallbearer

You guys are going to someone's funeral
who you don't know?

- Actually, they're not going. I'm going.
- Scott and I are going.

- Why don't you come too?
- You're inviting me to a funeral?

- Yes!
It's not like it's a real funeral.

- It is! It's a funeral.
- If she's going, I'm allowed to go.

- She is not going.
- Typical bullshit.

- Tom!
- It's okay.

Obviously, Tom does not want me to go
to this funeral thing and that's fine.

- I have nothing against you
going personally...
- All right, we're all going.

No, no, no.
Only if it's okay with Tom.

- Tom, is it okay?
- Is it okay, Tom? Come on.

- That's the dead guy's mother?
- Uh-huh.

Thank you.
Excuse me. My condolences.
Who will perform the eulogy?

The tall young man with
the dark suit and hair. Tom Thompson.
