The Portrait of a Lady

- May I light a cigarette?
- You may do what you please,

as long as you'll amuse me.
What had you in mind
when you refused Warburton?

I have his leave to let you know
he has told me.

Did he ask you to talk to me?
No, not that. He...
told me because
he couldn't help it.

We're old friends,
and he was very heavy-hearted.

What had I in mind
when I refused him?

What logic dictated
so remarkable an act?

Why do you call it remarkable?
As a man, Warburton
is hardly at fault.

I refused him because
he was too perfect, then.

If you've really given Warburton
his final answer, I'm rather glad.

I don't mean I'm glad for you,
and still less, of course, for him.

I'm glad for myself.
Are you thinking of proposing to me?
What I mean
is that I shall have the thrill

of seeing what a young lady does
who won't marry Lord Warburton.

You asked about logic.
I'll tell you.
- It's that I can't escape my fate.
- Your fate?

It's not my fate to give up.
You call marrying Lord Warburton
giving up?

It's getting a great deal,
but it's giving up other chances.

Chances for what?
I don't mean chances to marry.
I mean...
