The Portrait of a Lady

Don't put it in her head.
The thing would be to ask Mr Osmond.

I cannot. I'll not have him
inquire of me with that air of his.

I'll ask him myself.
I'll investigate and report to you.
She'd marry him
for the beauty of his opinions

or his autograph of Michelangelo.
Excuse me.
Which day is that?
She wants me to go to Caparola
with her.

To go with her?
To be there while she's there.
She proposed it.
Of course, I gave her the chance.

I rejoice to hear it,
but don't cry victory too soon.

Of course you'll go.
It makes me work, this idea of yours.
Don't pretend you don't enjoy it.
You've made a very good impression.
And I can see you've received one.

You've not come to Mrs Touchett's
so often to oblige me.

The girl's not disagreeable.
She has only one fault.

- What's that?
- Too many ideas.

I warned you she was clever.
Fortunately, they're very bad ones.
Why is that fortunate? - No loss if
they must be sacrificed.

You're unfathomable.
I'm frightened at the abyss
into which I've cast her.
