The War at Home

And I love that old cross
Where the dearest and best
For a world
of lost sinners was slain

So I'll cherish the old rugged cross,
Rugged cross

Jeremy, Karen !
Y'all come on to breakfast !

And exchange it some day
for a crown

- What is it ?
- Breakfast time, wake up ! Wake up !

I'm awake, okay ?
Well, get on down here, I'm
puttin' breakfast on the table.

Bob! Karen!
Hurry, hurry, hurry!

When the roll
is called up yonder

When the roll
is called up yonder

When the roll
is called up yonder

Jeremy, are you comin' or what ?
When the roll is called
up yonder I'll be there

- Here I am.
- Good morning to you

Good morning to you
We're all in our...

- Good morning.
- Sure aren't very cheerful.

What do you want ?
I just got up.

I don't cheer when I just got up.
- What time is it, anyway ?
- I don't know. 8:30, I guess.

It's 8:15.
Oh. Did you sleep well ?
- Fine.
- What time did you go to bed ?

I don't know. 10:30.
That's almost ten hours, then.
You don't need more than ten
hours of sleep. It's unhealthy.

- What time did you nod out ?
- I don't know. Look,
how about the next time...

I feel myself noddin' out, I get up out
of bed and check the clock for you.

I'm gonna stop talkin' to people
in the morning.
