
- Why did I come out here today?
- For the exercise.

From the looks of you,
it's finally doing some good.

There's nothing like avoiding
a manslaughter charge...

to turn a man's life around.
That's witty, Kirk,
and compassionate too.

- What did he say?
- Foot-in-mouth disease.

That kind of attitude
could cost you court cases...

especially in my court.
You leave me alone, or I'll get Billy
to run you over in that golf cart.

- Kirk.
- What?

Give me a little kiss, sweetheart.
Right here.

Billy, have you lost your mind?
That's surprisingly easy to do
once you've lost a few pounds.

Come on.
Mike, look at this, would you?
- Your psoriasis is coming back.
- Why?

"Why ask why?"
As they say on TV.

Stress probably.
Use that ointment from last time.

- Hey!
- For horses. Better for cows.

I've lost two pounds since this morning?
Is that possible?

Relax. Soon you'll be able to see
your balls without using a mirror.

Listen, Cary...
I never really thanked you
for taking care of me.

Never told you what happened
right after that, did I?

Leda and I went to lunch.
When we came out,
that old gyp was waiting for me.

- The one with the...
- Yeah, him.

He walked up and touched me,
right here.
