Tieta do Agreste

The major left very little.
But if you bless me, I promise
to go as far as Bahia...

with the two boys and there
I will walk to the Bonfim.

I will order a mass
in the cathedral...

and I'll put their pictures
in the miracles museum.

If Tieta adopts them both...
there'll be a choir
in the mass!

- What are you doing?
- What?

It looks like you're praying.
To massage your aunty's back
is not a sin.

It's not that. I pray
when I do some work.

If the monster comes,
I'll call for you, right?

What a good breakfast!
With tapioca, canjica...
I don't know why but whenever
I get up early...

I'm not feeling hungry.
Try something, my darling,
before he eats it all up!

She'll try if she wants to!
Hello? I want to talk
to the senator.
