Tieta do Agreste

he would hide his part...
of the money you used
to send from Sao Paulo.

Tonha might know
where the money is.

And there's the gold watch
you gave him! The watch!

Come with me to the gate?
I'll say good-bye to Perpétua.

Tonight, I'll take Ascânio
to the gate.

I know it's not the time
for celebration...

but I have a piece of news
that I want to share with you.

Today, by unanimous vote,
the City Hall was authorized...

to give the name
of Antonieta Cantarelli...

to the first public place
of Agreste with lights.

I mean, Antonieta
Esteves Cantarelli.

I'm taking Leonora
back to Sao Paulo.

Back to Sao Paulo?
Nora is suffering for you.
- For me?
- I don't want her to see you.

You don't want Leonora
with a poor man like me.
