Tieta do Agreste

- Take me with you.
- I already said no.

I'll do anything, sis.
I'll be a whore and
work in your whorehouse.

The other girl can teach
what I need to know.

Take me with you.
Don't leave me here.

Come on, Elise.
Let's go.

- Please, Tieta.
- Let's go home.

Why don't you treat her
how you treat those sluts?

She'd be the happiest pussy
in Santana do Agreste.

Can you tell me where
the City Hall is?

For what?
We're got start installing
the lamp posts.

Tieta, light! Your light.
I'm backing up.
Are you crazy?
Don't be stupid.
Women who share their pussy
with all the guys are sluts!

Sorry, Elisa.
