
- Ti-am zis de ziua mea?
- Nu, ce s-a intamplat?

A uitat.
Tampit inutil.

[ Blaring ]
Leave no trace
Find your place
- All I desire
- Temptation

- We're climbing higher and higher
- Temptation

- You can take it or leave it
- Temptation

But you'd better believe it
- Despre ce vorbiti?
- Football.

- Voi despre ce vorbiti?
- Cumparaturi.

[ Renton Narrating ]
Situatia devenea serioasa.

Tanarul Renton observa...
viteza cu care cei de succes
in sfera sexuala...

ca de altfel in toate,
se separau de ratati.

- I can't break away
- Keep us from temptation

Keep us from temptation
[ Renton Narrating ] Heroina l-a lasat pe
Renton fara sex...

- ca apoi sa se intoarca in forta.
- Lead us not into temptation

Iar in timp ce neputinta
acelor zile palea in amintiri...

disperarea amara isi lua locul
in mintea lui obsedata de sex.

Dorinta lui post-drog,
alimentata de alcool si amfetamine...

se combina fara mila
cu propria lui dorinta nesatisfacuta.

Dot, dot, dot.
- You think that you're right now
- Temptation

- You've got to face up to fact now
- Temptation

- Ooh, give me a breakdown
- Temptation

- Because it's time for a showdown
- Temptation

Temptation, Temptation
