
You've never seen what it can do!
-I just saw it!
-You've never seen it!

You've never seen it miss this house,
miss that house and come after you.

Christ, Jo, is that
what you think it did?

You don't know.
Why can't you forget it?!
You don't understand.
You'll never know.

When's it going to be enough?
How close do you have to get?!
Talk to me! Jo, things go wrong!

You can't explain it!
You can't predict it!

Killing yourself won't
bring your dad back.

I'm sorry he died.
But it was a long time ago.

You've got to move on.
Stop living in the past and look
at what's right in front of you.

What're you saying?
Me, Jo.
You better come here and look at this.
Velocities are maxed out.
Those two cells converge....

Inbounds and outbounds have doubled.
