
The base is a mile wide.
We can't see it anymore.

What's your location?
I am right alongside her!
She's beautiful!

We're ready to play, so pull
back and prepare to monitor.

They had to be somewhere.
Path is stable, copy that.
...this is it.
Stay sharp back there.
They have position.
They could make it.
Not unless they anchor the pack.
Jonas, can you hear me?
Not now.
Jonas, listen to me.
The pack is too light.

The twister'll toss it. Anchor it.
Sharing valuable information, Jo.
I'll consider that. Thanks.
Listen to me!
Can you see them?
Jonas, what's your position?
Howdy, Bill.
We're heading north-east, parallel...
...about to pull off
ahead of it on the left.

Hang back a minute. We got
a good view from back here.

She could shift or track and if
she does, she'll come right at you.

Let's do that. He'd never
put us in harm's way.

When I want your opinion, I'll give it.
Shut up, put your foot on
the gas, and stay on course.

It's unbelievable!
What's wrong?
The base is so huge!
It must be at least a mile wide!

Do you copy?
Listen to me!
Get off this frequency!
She's shifting.
Oh, my God.
Jonas, I'm telling you!
Eddie, I know you can hear me!
Get out!
Look out!
