Un air de famille

I'm sick
of the Duke of Brittany.

It's the best restaurant around.
It has a...
What the fuck?
A star, boss.
Nice overcoat.
I'm going.
It's my raincoat.
How long have you had it?

It's been two years.
It looks good on you.
I have to pee right away.
I hope
no one's in the bathroom.

What does it mean
when the wheels go "tic tic tic"?

When I turn right... I hear...
"tic tic tic."
- The blinkers?
- Near the wheels.

Ask a mechanic.
Why are you asking me?

It's a new car.
I know nothing about cars.
I saw you. It was great.

You really think so?
I have no idea myself.

Yes, honestly.
he didn't let you say much.

I told him the...
And he kept cutting me off.
I told Mom.
He kept interrupting me.

I told him so, remember?
I said: "Let me finish."

They're constantly rushing you.
You can barely answer
before they ask a new question.

Anyway, I got my points across.
I was clear,

I repeated the company name.
Other than that...

Of course.
Happy birthday, Yolande!
Hold on! It's not now.
When is it?
Later, at the restaurant.
Why don't we relax
for a few minutes?
