Walking and Talking

He's a total putz.
He's really just a spoiled actor
who thinks he can direct.

And someone gave him the money.
I swear I don't know who.

And voila! He's
directing a play.

I said I'd do it,
just 'cause I need to work.

- Right?
- Right.

But what I really
want to do is write
and direct my own stuff.

- I'm sorry. I'm boring you.
- No. No!

I thought the play was good.
This is interesting to me.

I don't... I don't normally
hear this kind of stuff.

- Where are you from?
- New York.

What do you do
in your spare time?

I... Stuff.
- You got brothers or sisters?
- Why are you interviewing me?

'Cause I haven't shut up,
and I feel bad.

Oh, no. Don't. Oh.
- You put clear nail polish
on. That looks pretty.
- They... Th-Thank you.

- Peter. Unbelievable!
- Hey!

- You were so great!
- Peter, I gotta go. Bye.

- Stay! You sure you can't stay?
- Thanks. No. Yeah.

- Hi, Frank.
- Hi.

Is she here? I... I know
you guys screen your calls,
but I... I thought I would try...

She's not here. I thought
she was with you, and then...
I... I heard your message.

- Okay. Well, will you
tell her I came by?
- Yeah, I...

Are you okay?
You... Do you want to come in
and... and talk or something?

- I don't want to bug you.
- You're not buggin' me.

I... I'm just tryin'
to fold my laundry. Come on in.

Wow. What are these?
Ah, just some stuff
I've been workin' on.

They're beautiful.
- Are you stoned?
- Yeah. You want some?

It's pretty strong.
