When We Were Kings

The sense was that we were watching
a man who was going out to be...

going out to the gallows.
They all believed he was gonna get
defeated and they were terrified.

They thought that with his pride
he would take one of the world's
worst beatings ever

and he wouldn't give up.
And he was gonna be destroyed.
Killed or maimed, they knew not what.

But they were deeply frightened,
as if they were taking whatever fear
Ali might have had and absorbing it.

After a while he looked at Bundini
and said,
"We're gonna dance tonight."

They said, "You're gonna dance!"
Muhammad Ali was so funny
repeating this.

"What am I gonna do?!"
They said, "Dance!"

He said, "Yes!
And that man's gonna be bewildered!

"I'm gonna dance and dance!"
And they said, "You're gonna dance!"
I swear they were all crying.

And he built them up to a degree
so that for him
they became half-happy.

(Commentator) Here comes the
Ali people out of the dressing room

and all of the questions
will be answered.

The awesome power of George Foreman
against the varied boxing skills
of Muhammad Ali.

It's age against youth.
The experience of Muhammad Ali
against the youth and brute force
and blinding speed.

You can hear the band strike up
in the background

as Ali moves to the ring.
This is what Muhammad Ali lives for,
this is the man's life.

This may be an historic event,
Muhammad Ali coming into
the boxing ring for the last time.

Should Muhammad Ali retire,
this will be, what you're seeing now,
a very historic event.

Here comes the heavyweight champion
of the world, George Foreman,

jogging out!
George Foreman
decked out in his red robes,

coming in with his people.
(Mailer) 'No one in the press
ever saw Mobutu

'and he didn't come to the fight.
