Wish Upon a Star

I'd feel much better
if we could get some ice cream...

and maybe stop
at Blockbuster on the way.

- Hi.
- What did I do?

Can't I just say hi?
Of course you can. Hi.
Oh, I guess you heard
that Hayley went home sick.

I'm so worried.
I'm going over after school.

- I mean, what if there's brain damage?
- Oh, trust me, she'll be fine.

Why don't you come and eat lunch
with me and my gang?

I mean, Hayley would hate for you
to seem like a loner.

Really? Okay.
Talley... Thanks. Talley, Sabrina,
Kazumi, this is Caitlin Scheinbaum.

- She's eating lunch with us today.
- Why?

Because she's Hayley's very best friend
in the entire world.

- So?
- So...

So be nice to her.
Hayley went home sick.

Hayley and I always wondered what
it would be like to eat with you guys.

She'll be bummed she missed it.
Oh, well, you can both eat with us
tomorrow. We'd be happy to have you.

Right, guys?
Oh, but don't bring
another tuna fish sandwich.

It's one of our rules.
- Sorry.
- Rules?

Duh. They're supposed to be secrets.
Your secrets are safe with me.
You can tell me anything.

Well, we alternate
bringing diet sodas for everyone.

Tomorrow can be your turn.
- Okay.
- Tic Tac, anyone?

Oh, Alex. What happened?
Oh. Volleyball. You know.
