Alaska: Spirit of the Wild

In the defiant spirit of Alaska
winter's harsh challenges
are turned to rugged sport.

Each year,
as the warm season approaches

the vast spectacle
of life's resiliency

unfolds again in Alaska.
The days lengthen,
grasses reemerge

and along stream bottoms
the promise of the future
is renewed.

Mere glimmers of life now
salmon hatchlings
will soon depart

to return years hence
and nourish Alaska

as a miracle of summer
that sustains life in winter.

It's a land of countless streams
and mountain peaks
still unnamed

a place shaped
by ice and solitude.

In Alaska, we are witnesses
to the triumph of life itself.

Here, we can rediscover
a vitality

vanishing from our lives
and reawaken
the spirit of the wild

remembered not in our minds,
but in the blood and the heart.

Whether or not
we will ever reach Alaska

we all want to know
that such a place still exists.
