Albino Alligator

{ Milo }
We gotta make some demands.

Then, each time that they
give us something...

we give them a hostage.
Nobody gets hurt.
And then when they're waiting
for the final demand,
we get the hell out of here.

{ Coughs }

{ Milo }
I don't know.

There's something missing.
- I say we take the kid.
- What?

He'd be like
an insurance policy.

You think these people
are gonna talk if we got the kid?

I don't think so.
- I want to go.
- { Lowell } See?

- He wants to go.
- Yeah, if it'll make things easier.

No. Look, I'll go.
{ Law }
I like that.

No way. The kid goes,
and that's it.

If anybody is gonna go,
it ought to be me. L...

You've been nothing but a fuckin'
headache since we walked in here,

so sit down.
- Huh?
- What? No, I won't
say a thing about the kid.

I'll be too busy describing your face
to the police sketch artist.

Nothin' better go wrong,
'cause I just don't know
what I'd do if it did.

No, no, nobody want
no coffee.

Uh, bring me some water
over here, would you?

- Oh, my God. Here they come.
- Who? Goddamn it.
