
My name is Kai Nyagua...
and James Covey.

I speak Mende and English,
his language.

You and he will talk
to each other through me.

- The clothes?
- And the names.

I was rescued off a slave ship
by the British Navy.

I never went back.
- A problem has arisen.
The judge we had,
who believed, I believe,

that you should be freed,
has been dismissed.

A new judge has been called upon
to hear the case,

this time without a jury.
How is that possible?
A chief cannot be replaced.

I can't explain it in any way
that you would understand, Cinque.

Or me, for that matter.
Only that, well, it has happened.

I am not a great orator
or advisor, Cinque.

I'm not a big man in my profession.
I don't know if I alone can convince
this next judge to set you free.

I need your help.
When we go to court,
I need you to speak.

I'm not
an advisor of any kind.

I cannot speak for the others.
Cinque, the others, they say you can.
They say you're the big man here.
- I am not.
