Batman & Robin

AII this Iuxury reaIIy isn't
my styIe, but. . .

. . .yeah, I'd Iove to.
Then it's settIed.
But, sir, we. . .
. . .we do get so busy here.
Don't be siIIy.
After aII, she's famiIy.
UncIe AIfred?
I came to tuck you in.
You came to tuck me in?
That's quite a switch.
What're you working on?
I'm trying to find my brother,
your UncIe WiIfred.

He's first butIer
to the Maharajah of Miranjapore.

But Miranjapore is a fIoating court.
It traveIs through India.
I remember Mom getting postcards.
So WiIfred can be
rather difficuIt to find.

I don't suppose they have
fax machines on eIephants.

I've been trying to reach him
with no success.

When one grows ancient,
one yearns for famiIy.

I have the same picture of Mom
by my bed.

My nickname for sweet Margaret.
It's good to see you again.
I've missed you.
As I have you.
SIeep weII, chiId.
You sIeep.
Go to bed.
