Beverly Hills Ninja

EspeciaIIy your apartment.
I'II protect you
with aII of my being.

I'm so Iucky I found you.
You reaIIy are courageous.
If onIy I had caught TanIey in Japan.
Today, you'd be basking in the
safety of our dojo...

...where I'd bring you
soap and sweet-smeIIing oiIs...

...that you couId rub
aII over your body.

And then--
I am sorry. I got carried away.
It's okay.
Your IoyaIty is most appreciated.
WeII, I guess it's time to turn in.
-Do you want the bed or the couch?
-Which wouId you prefer?

Couch is fine for me.
That wouId be fine for me too.
Good night.
Good night.
Don't worry, he's an ink speciaIist
and suspects nothing.

As we taIked about,
you'II distract him...

...and I'II use the ninja sIeephoId...
:49:32 incapacitate him.
Are you ready?

Yeah, Iet's go.
WeIcome to BeverIy HiIIs Bank Note.
I'm Chet WaIters. Nice coat.
Who shot the couch?

I'm kidding.
What can I do you for?

Our car broke down.
Mind if I use your phone?

Don't get me started
on car probIems.

I got a 1 975 Fairmont.
It's about as hard
to turn over as me on Laguna Beach.
