
Sure you can.
- lmpossible.

Anyway, l wasn't comparing.
l just sayWilliamson is king.

You can't saythat.
You can't.

l might as well say
Steven Seagal is king; him, -

- Charles Bronson,
and Franco Nero.

And Fred Williamson.
And Bruce Lee?

Seventies stuff.
- Yes.

And the best ever made.
So what are Bronson and Franco Nero?

They use firearms. Guns,
like everyone else. Timeless.

After all, this is the nineties.
- Yes.

You like Steven Seagal
but not Bruce Lee.

That's whatyou're saying.
- l just said Seagal is better.

Yes, you said Seagal is better.
He's fatter, that's all.

Cutthe crap!
He'sjustwell-built, strong.

You can't saythat!
- He is!

He's a lump.
- Hey! When is Louis coming?

He said he'd leave atten past.
- Ten pastwhat?

l don't know.
Steven Seagal is fat.
Have you screwed her?
- What?

- Who?

Her you're thinking about.
What's her name?
- l don't remember.

What did you talk about?
All kinds of stuff.
Films, l think.

- Yes.

So you didn'ttalk, then.
- Yes, we did.

No, you didn't.
You talked aboutfilms.

You haven'ttalked to each other.
- Really.

lt's abnormal.
Have you screwed her?

You haven't screwed her.
You haven'ttouched her, either.

ls thatthe wayyou see girls?
To be talked to, nottouched,
not screwed? lt's abnormal.
