Chasing Amy

You gotta respect that kind of display
of affection. You know what I mean ?

Sure, it's crazy.
It's rude. It's self-absorbed.

But, uh, you know,
it's love.

- It's not love.
- Oh, says you.

That out there ?
That's fleeting.

- Fleeting ?
- Mm-hmm. Well, I gotta split.

It was really nice meeting you.
Good luck with your book.

Tell Hooper I'll call him later.
And... tell your friend to calm down.

Shut up already.
You shut up !
You're insane.

Archie is not fucking
Mr. Weatherbee !

Deny, deny, deny.
- Where's Alyssa ?
- She left, said she'd call you later.

Look, he's just offering to help Archie
with his fucking homework !

Read between
the lines, bitch.

Fuck this. Let's go.

- Holden !
- What ?

- Let's go !
- See that dent in the hood of your car?

Son of a bitch !
Let me guess.
You like her.

- Who ?
- Miss Alyssa Jones.

- She's all right.
- As long as that's all.

This is one of the best streetlights
you've ever drawn.

It's the one from across the street
from the post office.

- Looks just like it.
- Thanks.

So, uh, what do you want
to do tonight ?
