Conspiracy Theory

I need to tell you there was a. . .
. . .Iike a fish tank. No goldfish!
-And I was in the belly of a whale.
-Just calm down.

I was crippled and. . . .

Look at me. I want you
to put the gun down, please.

There was a goldfish.
There wasn't any gravy and l. . . .

I don't know what to. . . .
Put the gun down.
I'm sorry.
It's okay.
I'm sorry.
Okay? Perfect.
Take it easy! Take it easy!
My God, you're bleeding!
call an ambulance!

A piece of a wheelchair
poked through me.

Back away! Back away!
Put it away!
-Oh, christ!
-Tell me what happened.

I can't.
I can't remember.
I can't remember them.
I can't remember me.

I can remember you.
I remember you.
It's on the tip of my tongue.
I'll remember in the morning.
I'm just tired.
I just need some sleep.
Open, please.
She's for you.
No, nurse. Don't!
What is it? What is it?
I told them. . . .

Something to help you sleep.
I don't want to sleep,
I want to check out.

Why am I handcuffed to this bed?
I'm not a criminal. Please, help!

Alice, you get me out of here.
They gave me some stuff.

You're under arrest.
