Conspiracy Theory

Heart attacks happen.
I didn't switch the charts.
Yeah, you did.
You switched them.
You switched the charts.

Let's see here.
This is a grueling experience.

Put that out!
There's a government man now.
This is Miss Sutton.

Miss Sutton, Agent Lowry, FBl.
We're waiting for jurisdictional
problems to be cleared.

-Fletcher's something else.
-Tell me about it!

Police want him for assault.
Secret Service for counterfeiting.

We want him for a string
of bank robberies.

No one knows
what the cIA wants him for.

This cIA shrink. . .
. . .is here to l.D. Fletcher.
They knew each other somehow.

Take off the sheet.
-This isn't him.
-The chart says "Jerry Fletcher. "

-He's. . . .
-He's what?

He's having a heart attack!
Where's that goddamn cop?
Get a crash cart in here, stat!
-A dog bit it.
-Excuse me?

You were going to ask about my nose.
Poor animal is to be destroyed today.

-And you feel bad for it?
-It's my dog.

Oh, no! I'm sorry.
There he goes!
-Open the goddamn gate!
-No, and you watch your language!

FBl, lady!
Open the damn door!

Hi, Alice.
