Event Horizon

DJ, showtime.
Video feed is clear.
Are you with us, Dr Weir?
Yes, l'm with you.
We are crossing the umbilicus,
making our approach
to the Event Horizon.

You're at the outer airlock door.
Magnetic boots on.
We've got pressure.
Place is a deep-freeze.
We got ice crystals everywhere.
That's the central corridor
that you're in.

lt connects the front of the
ship to Engineering at the rear.

Mr Justin, take Engineering.
Yes, sir.
Peters and l
will take the forward decks.

Doctor, what are these?
Yeah. l've got another one over here.
ln an emergency, they destroy
the central corridor

and split the ship in half,
and then the crew can use
the foredecks as a lifeboat.

l'm in Medical.
No casualties.
Place looks like
it's never been used.

You haven't seen any crew?
lf we saw any crew,
Doctor, you'd know it.

Scanning for life readings.
