Boarding party, sound off.
This is Miller. Can anybody hear me?
What the fuck was that?
Pressure emergency!
We've lost the starboard baffle!
The hull's been breached!
l'll contain it
as long as l can! Get out!
We're losing atmosphere!
There are pressure suits
in the airlock. Go!
Here l come!
Hold on, Baby Bear!
l'm almost there, almost there!
l got you! l got you!
Oh! Watch out! Watch!
l got you. What the fuck is this?
Hold on!
Captain Miller! Do you copy? Over!
Smitty, where you been?
We have a situation, sir!
We've lost the starboard baffle,
and the hull's been breached!
The safety circuits have failed!
Time for a weld?
No, sir! We've got 218 litres of gas,
and then we've got nothing!
The oxygen tanks failed.
Sir, we are fucking dead!
What about the Event Horizon?
She's got air and power!
lt's our only chance!
There's no way
l'm getting on that bastard!
lt beats dying, Mr Smith.
l want all personnel on board
the Event Horizon pronto.