Be with me...
Carbon dioxide
can produce hallucinations,
impair judgement.
Goddamit, it was not a hallucination.
Doctor, you were in the duct.
You must have heard something.
You must have seen something.
l did.
About an hour ago, l saw my son
lying on the examination table.
in his legs were crawling...
Ms Peters, it sounds a little like
You're traumatised...
No. No. Excuse me! No!
l've seen bodies before.
This was different.
She's right.
This... this was real.
l felt... l felt heat.
This is not something
that's in our heads.
Smitty, have you seen
anything unusual at all?
No, l haven't seen anything,
and l don't need to see
anything, sir,
but this ship is fucked.
Well, thank you, Mr Smith.
Yeah, you don't...
OK, OK! All right, Doc.
Breaking the laws of physics costs!
You killed the last crew, now us!
lt's just a fucking ship.
lt's just a ship, a hunk of metal.
There's nothing odd going on.