
I don't want to go to Rome today.
Why don't you stay?
'Cause I hate New York.
WeII, we Iive here.
We Iive in Rome, too.
Will you ever want to make love
with me again, Sarah?

I Iove you so much.
But wiII you ever want to
make Iove with me again?

There is nothing scarier in the world
than knowing exactly
where you want to go

but having absolutely
no idea how to get there...

except maybe knowing
where you want to go,

knowing how to get there,
and then having no idea
of who you are when you arrive.

Scasse, bring me the usuaI, okay?
Scasse, you know what the usuaI is.
I get it every day for ten years, okay?

Yeah, oatmeaI.
No, no miIk.
Scasse, for ten years
I've ordered my oatmeaI.

Do I ever once get miIk with it?
No? Right. So why wouId I
want to start getting miIk today?

Scasse, I haven't moved, okay?
You can't remember where I Iive?

Scasse, you found the pIace.

Here you go.
Want the paper?

No. Why wouId I want the paper
I make you bring me
every day for ten years?

What's this, free today?
