
There are those times when you know
without a doubt that there is God.

The chills.
You just get those chills.
- What?
- That was great, Amy.

I think we got it.
What is up with you?
Where did you meet her?
In your cab?

Crazy, I Iove it. And she just
appeared outside Iast night?

- Just be carefuI, MichaeI.
- What? She's married.

She'II rip you apart.
You'II never know what hit you .

That's not fair, SaIIy.
You don't know her.

Come on, Robin, she's the most
beautifuI woman in the worId.

- See you guys.
- Bye-bye, guys.

- That sounded great.
- Thanks a Iot.

- Very nice.
- Thanks.

She's a miIIionaire.
She's the fantasy
of every man aIive.

She's got this rich,
royaI-famiIy, jet-setting husband.

What is she doing
fucking around with MichaeI?

I mean, he's gonna
faII in Iove and get destroyed.

Maybe she wants
a reaI person around her.

Yeah. MichaeI, her Bohemian
cab driver ''reaI friend.''

- Yeah.
- I don't know.

Look, Iook,
I don't even have her number.

Contrary to what
you peopIe might think,

it's not that interesting to me.
I Iike her. She's weird,
you know? I enjoy her.

If it was easy,
I'd see her again,

but it's not Iike I'm gonna
stake out her house or anything.

I'II probabIy never
see that girI again.

You'II probabIy
never see her again.

Why do I have a hard time
beIieving that, MichaeI?
