
Oh. That was just
fucking to you .

No, okay.
Making Iove, whatever.

But I wouId say
that was pretty much fucking.

WeII...it had eIements of fucking,
but it couIdn't have been
such heroic fucking

if we hadn't feIt
the making Iove underneath.

Which one do you want?
Any of the ones where we
get to either make Iove

with fucking underneath,
fuck with making Iove underneath,
make Iove, or just pIain fuck,
so either ''A,'' ''B,''
the ''C'' that canceIs out your crazy ''C''
and makes us do it again,

''E,'' or the God's wiII one,
as Iong as God makes it
turn out the way I want.

Look, MichaeI,
I reaIIy Iove my husband.

You know, I just--
I can't Iet an attraction,

it doesn't matter how hot it is,
fuck up my marriage.

I'm not a chiId anymore.
So what is this, then?
- Pick a pIan.
- What is this?

This is Iife. Pick a pIan.
I want to keep seeing you , Sarah.
Okay. Without fucking
or any of your crazy,
weird, mutated
fucking subgroups.

AII right.
The pIan wiII be
that I just investigate
this IittIe area...

MichaeI, come on!
- Okay, okay.
- I'm serious.

Just Iet me do this
one more time.

Come on.
PIease, one more time?

Come here.
- Listen to me.
- One more time.

- Look, we're gonna be friends--
- One more time.

Come on. We're gonna be
fantastic friends

who Ioved fucking each other.
Love it one more time!
We'II be fantastic friends
who did Iove fucking each other,

but we cannot Iet this
happen again, okay?

I adore you .
I Iike you a Iot.
