Fierce Creatures

It's not that I don't like them.
I just don't see the point.

I rememberwhen I was five,
my mother got me this dog.

I just didn't get it.
I suppose I had nothing
I needed fetched. So I sold him.

- Oh, that's sad.
- Oh, he got over it.

No, foryou. It's very sad foryou
becauseyou couldn't love a puppy.

This is the kind ofconversation two
people have when one ofthem is female.

- Celebrate our partnership.
- Our partnership.

That's right.
However, there'sjust one thing
I couldn't help noticing.

I don't know ifyou did.
We still have separate bedrooms.

Just missed.
I mean, we have
taken over the zoo.

We are here in England.
To us.
I think it's too soon.
Because what we have is special.
No, it isn't.
Yes, it is.
It's too soon.
How too soon?
Goddamn it! Thanks, asshole!
This is your fault!
Oh, hello. Lovely evening.
What areyou doing with that?
- Oh, the lemur?
- Yeah.

Oh,just putting it back
in its enclosure.

Why'd you take it out?
