G.I. Jane

Honey, come on. I survived jump school,
dive school and three brothers.

I think I can take care
of myself.

The only thing that scares me
are the sexual politics.

I'm just not interested in being
some poster girl for women's rights.

- What?
- Hmm?

- What?
- What?

You don't have anything
to say about this?

I guess I don't.
Honey, this is just
a career opportunity.

- You don't want me sleeping my way to the top, do you?
- But the SEALS, babe?

These guys are world-class warriors.
They see you coming-

- I mean-
- I'm aware they may not want me there.

- "May not"?
- Yes.

They will eat corn flakes
out of your skull. Okay?

To tell you the truth,
I don't get it.
I mean, you're doing
shit-hot at Intel.

Why do you wanna go off
and play soldier girl for?

Royce, we're the same age.
We entered the Navy the same month.

Which one of us
is wearing more ribbons?

Oh, come on. This is just 'cause
I got lucky during the Gulf War.

Yes, thank you. Operational experience
is a key to advancement.

Yet anyone with tits can't be on a sub,
can't be a SEAL, and don't even think-

Hey, whoa, whoa.
If you made up your mind to do it, go.

You always do what you wanna do anyway.
Don't ask my permission.

You wanna go off and live with a bunch of
cock-swinging commandos for three months-

Three months?
What if I make this and go operational
for three years? What then?

Oh, man, did I just miss
a decade or something?

Will I wait if you go off to war?
Is that what you're asking me?

Yeah, something like that.
Exactly like that.

I didn't know I was gonna have to decide
the rest of my life tonight, Jordan.

Maybe we should just
let this happen.

Get your dick back in here.
Don't ask me to tell you how I'm gonna
feel in three years. I don't know.

I mean, neither do you.
Right up until you said that,
I thought I did.
