G.I. Jane

Suck my dick!
Suck my dick! Suck my dick!
Suck my dick!

- Move out!
- Suck my dick! Suck my dick!

It was out of line
in there.

It ain't gonna happen

Yeah, it will.
Maybe not with you
or with these guys or with me.

She's not the problem.
We are.
She just made it
through S.E.R.E. training.

- She actually made it.
- Goddamn, that girl is good.

Oh, by the way,
Newsweek called.

- They want to do a cover story on you and G.I. Jane.
- Wonderful news, Peter.

Let's talk about this when I get back
to the office. Thank you, darling.

Great. They can come take your picture
at the retirement home in Waco.

Five of our bases
they wanna close.

D.O.D. tried this trick with Resnik in
California five years ago and it worked.

He was not re-elected.
You want that to happen in Texas?

Douglas, nothing's final
till you see it on CNN.

There's a reason
they gave you that hit list.

You think they want
a horse trade?

I think they're waitin'
for your call.

Hi, O'Neil. I would've paid money
to have been there.

- Oh, you heard, huh?
- I think it was on the evening news.

Geez. Just what
I need-more P.R.

Listen, a few of us are
gonna go over to the beach.
