G.I. Jane

Jordan, I heard
what happened...

and I do so very much
want to talk with you,

but now is scarcely
the time.

I commend you, Senator.
Those were very nice photos.

Yes, we did have someone
taking shots,

but for future
publicity purposes.

I see. So how did they end up
in the Navy's hands?

Well, you'll have
to ask them that.

If I have to ask
anyone again, Senator,

I'll be asking on C-SPAN.
Jordan. Come on.
Here are the Senator's
case notes.

Let me have it, boys.
Come on. Quickly, quickly.

Close the door.
Jordan, nearly every working day
I'm forced to make decisions...

that would have Solomon himself
shittin' golf balls,

and half of those decisions
are about political survival.

I don't resent that.
So if you've come here lookin' for me
to apologize for keeping alive...

you better pull up a chair,
'cause you're gonna be here for a while.

Tell me you didn't
sell me out.

Tell me you didn't sink my whole career
to make you look good.

Those charges
will be dismissed.

Your career will go forward,
albeit back here in Washington.

Oh, come on. Don't tell me
you wanted that kind of life.

Squat-pissing in some
third-world jungle...

with some guys
looking up your behind.

I wanted the choice.
That's how it's supposed to be.

The truth is, the choice isn't yours,
and it isn't mine.

American families
are just not prepared...

to have their daughters
and young mothers in harm's way.

- You don't know that.
- Yes, I do.

Roper, Paris, Gallup, all the polls,
they all come back the same way.

What are you saying?
That a woman's life
is more valuable than a man's?
