G.I. Jane

Let's go! Let's go!
Take the airwaves! Stay down, Chief!

- Break it off!
- Come on! Get in there!

- Four heartbeat!
- Push it! Push it! Push it!

- Six heartbeat!
- I'm looking for an I.V.

I'm trying to find an I.V. here.
He's alive!
Give me some room!

- Slovnik, give me some room!
- All aboard!

All bodies in!
Let's get the hell out of Dodge!

- What a goat fuck.
- How's the Chief doin'?

He's all right.
Hey, O'Neil! I'd go to war
with you any day.

I'll never live
this one down.

Tango-Niner, are you
boys en route with cargo? Over.

Sundown, this is Team Leader.
We have the cargo
safely in hand,

and just tell whoever's listening
that we're coming home.

Tango-Niner out.
- Welcome aboard.
- Thank you, Master Chief.

- Welcome aboard, sir.
- Thank you, Master Chief.

- Welcome aboard, sir.
- Thank you, Master Chief.

- Welcome aboard, Sergeant.
- Thank you, Master Chief.

Welcome aboard, sir.
