
Maybe it was my love of the planets
orjust my dislike for this one, -

- but for as long as l remember
l've dreamed of going into space.

750 million,
800 million, 850 million.

How many astronauts are there?
l bet l could be one if l wanted.

Don"t eat that. lt"s Pluto.
My goals didn't change a lot.
Much to my parents' dismay.

Vincent . . .
Be realistic. With
a heart condition like yours . . .

- There"s a chance my heart"s fine.
- One chance in 1 00.

- l"ll take it.
- They won"t.

You"ve got to understand something.
You"ll only get inside a spaceship
to clean it.

He was right. l lied on my resumé,
but my real resumé was my cells.

Why waste money on training me -
- when there are 1, 000 other
applicants with a cleaner profile?

lt is illegal to discriminate.
"Genoism", it's called.

But no one takes the law seriously.
lf you refuse to tell, they take
a sample from a door handle -

- or a handshake. Even the saliva
on your application form.

A legal drug test can become-
- an illegal peek
at your future in the company.
