
While Eugene supplied me with a new
identity, I paid the rent -

- and kept him in the style
to which he'd become accustomed.

Eugene never suffered from a routine discrimination of a
"utero", "faith birth", "In-Valid" as we would call it.

A "valid", a "vitro", a "made man",
he suffered under a different burden.

The burden of perfection.
I was now a member of a relatively new
and particulary detested segment of society.

One of those that refuses to play the hand that he's dealt.
Almost commonly known as a "borrowed ladder".

Or ... a "de-gene-erate".
In the guise of Jerome Morrow
I've risen quickly for the ranks of Gattaca.

Only one of the mission directors
has ever come close to discovering my true identity.

Strange to think, he may have more success
exposing me in death than he ever did in life.

- I think we can rule out suicide.
- Excuse me, sir? - Nothing.

Thank you.
This will take a while.
We may have to push things back.

Irene, I want you
to assist the investigators.
