
- I'm the same person I was yesterday.
- I can't hear anymore of your lies, Jerome.

My name is Vincent Anton Freeman.
And I'm a faith birth or a de-gene-erate
or whatever you wanna call it. But I'm not a murderer.

- You're a God-child?
- Well we do have one thing in common.

Only I don't have 20-30 years left
in mine. Mine is already 10,000 beats overdue.

- It's not possible. - You are the authority
on what is not possible,-

-aren't you, Irene?
They've got you looking so hard for any flaw,
that after a while that's all that you see.

For whatever it's worth, I'm here
to tell you that it is possible.

It is possible.
Congratulations, sir. We did it.
His spit was found in the dead director's eye.

An unaccounted specimen. While I was busy
obsessing about an eyelash, your instincts
took us in the right direction.

So the In-Valid had nothing to do with this?
No, our friend here acted alone.
This mission meant everything to him, didn't it?
