
and then her mustache is gonna
come out like my mom's mustache.

l can't shoot ball
like Michael Jordan can...

but that's all right, though,
you know?

l'm also gay.
Don't be nervous.
l ain't being nervous.
Now, there's something
special about you.

Something special l want.
Will you kiss me?
You're not gay.
lt's all right.
My mother rejected me,
my father rejected me.

There was no love
in the household.

l was beaten, l was abused.
l had people stick shit
up my rectum.

Will you hug me? Just hug me.
-l'll give you a hug, man.
-Just hug me.

just calm down, just hug me.

Just give me some warmth.
Just hug.
Just hug me for a little bit,
because l'm so lonely.

l'm so--l've got no one.
There's no one left.
l've got no one left.

l've got no one to love me

l'll die here on this couch
with you.

My father worked the late shift
as a bathroom attendant.

My father was mugged
on Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

For the rest of his days
on earth...

my father never celebrated
this holiday.

-With my sister.
-With your sister?

Wait till her husband finds out.
