
where morals get loose
together with the bodies.

I have many friends
who would be grateful

if I offered them
a discreet and comfortable shelter

for certain caprices.
And as you know,

I can't help
making men happy.

It'll take much time and work
but I think it's worth it.
I consider it as a tribute to this town
which is so generous
with this Italian adventuress.

- Hello?
- Hi Nelly, Francesco here.

Hello sir, how are you?
- I'm fine. Is madam in?
- She went to Milan for work.

Don't pick up the phone. I'll leave
a message to the answering machine.

Understood? Bye.
We are not in.
Please leave a message after the beep.

Marta, it's Francesco.
Write down the number of this bank account,
I need you to send me some cash.

Memo, you gave me the hardest job.
We need to fix the door
to help the workmen,

but we need some more tools.
Leave me alone,
or you'll do it all yourself.

Guys, to clean this statue you need...
