Henry Fool

I am not a rapist.
Shit. Come on. This way.
Keep a lookout.
What's going on?
What's wrong?
I doubt.
So, you're an honest man.
Why beat yourself up about it?

I don't know if there are grounds
for faith. Is my vocation relevant?

Does it make a difference?
-A difference in what?
-The world. The way it is.

Is this away to
help relief suffering?

-Your vocation makes a difference.
-How can you be so sure?

Because vocation is the difference.
Only someone who cares doubts.

Listen, father.
Have you got any money?

Let's go have a drink.
-Are you a registered voter?
-I really don't know.

I could give you some information
about congressman Owen Feer.

This man will make a big difference
in the lives of every American.
