
So, Dutch, you wanna do this peaceful
or you wanna make a go?

Boys, boys.
Lower the fuckin' metal.
Put 'em down.
Tee-Ninchy, now ain't the time.
Put the shotgun down.

Man crazy! Man real crazy!
Think he can drop dead man's balls
upon me Queen!

You forget one thing, Tee.
Me no got no balls to lose.
We ain't gonna crease -
like Brunder, or Miro.

Some you win, some you fuckin' lose!
- We got a problem.
- She's gonna fold.

l ain't talking about her.
He's not gonna go away.
d You don't have to have a hanker
to be a broker or a banker

d No, siree, just if you'll be
my mother's son-in-law

d Needn't even think of tryin'
to be a mighty social lion

d Sippin' tea if you'll be
my mother's son-in-law

Look at all these fine women!
They must be having recess in heaven.

d ..to set the world on fire
d Just wish you'd make it proper...
Ain't nobody here.
Uh-oh. Don't look now,
but here's your chance
to have your long-ass conversation.
