
We know you were
at the falls last week,
and we know what happened.

You're gonna talk,
you little son of a bitch.

You'll be making speeches
when I get through
with your black ass.

Ralph. Ralph.
I'm Sergeant Detective
Della Pesca.

You wanna tell me
what happened ?

What is it,
you were trying to rob
this man's gold watch,

he fought back
and so you stabbed him ?

Is that pretty much it ?
[ Stuttering ]

didn't do nothing.
Let me tell you something,

The man you stabbed...
is a very important member
of this community,

and you are going down.
Do you see ?
And I am gonna
see to it

As for you, Rubin Carter,
you're a menace to society.

If something isn't done
about you soon, you'll become
a dangerous man in later life.

I only wish you were old enough
I could send you
to the state prison.

[ Crying ]
l there fore
sentence you...

to the state home for boys
in Jamesburg...

from this day
till you're 21 years of age.

[ Whimpering ]
So be it.

[Rubin ]
Jamesburg was
a place of horror...

that l would be forever sorry
to have known existed.

lt was there that l spent
the next eight years
learning how to maim, butcher...

and fight for my survival.
