
We've moved here, and we have
every intention of staying here
until Rubin is free.

Right on.
[Sam] So we finally got in
to see your lawyers, Beldock
and Friedman, the otherday.

[Sam] So we finally got in
to see your lawyers, Beldock
and Friedman, the otherday.

How'd they take it ?
Oh, l'd say we handled
ourselves pretty well.

Yeah, we hauled about,
what, ten tons of documents
into the apartment.

In broad daylight ?
Oh, yeah.

Wait a minute.
Listen to me.
This is not Canada.

Now, I can
protect you in here,

but there's not much
I can do for you on the outside.

The only way I'm ever
leaving this place is...

ifa lot of very important
people are exposed.

They're not just
gonna let that happen.

You understand ?
We'll be careful.

Okay. Well, why don't you
walk us through what happened
that night ?

Now, three cops have testified
the shooting occurred at 2:45.

So, what time did you leave
the Nite Spot ?

Oh, now tell me where can you
party, child, all night long
ln the basement

Anybody call a cab ?

Time for me to get outta here.
How much do I owe you, Big Ed ?
Your money's no good here.

- Anybody call a cab ?
- I did. Unless Rubin's
taking me home.

If I take you,
it's gonna be more than home.
[ Laughs ]

Get on outta here, girl.
What were you doin' out
so late on a Thursday night ?

[Rubin ]
What does it matter
what night it was ?

Wasn't Thursday night
ladies' night ?
Didn't it matter to your wife ?

I'm in the penitentiary for
murder, not attempted adultery.
[All Snickering]

So there was a cab there.
He must have
seen you leave, right ?

No. No, he left
before I did.

[ Chattering ]
