In the Company of Men

and he's bandying your name around
as somebody for the Phoenix office.

He's off collecting another wood-grained
plaque: "employee of the month."

Right. I'll be careful.
I'm telling you.
Watch your back.

I've been seeing this girl
almost a year.

What am I talking about? You met her.
That seafood joint maybe six months ago.

- That little brunette? Melody?
- Melanie. Right.

She was very cute, as I remember.
Yeah. Took her home.
Met the folks.

- Even gave her a ring one weekend.
- Seriously?

- Yeah, I really liked her.
- Sounds like it.

But then she starts
the "gotta see other people" setup...

and that whole routine.
Suddenly I'm parked in front
of her house 4:00 in the morning...

going to work,
circles under my eyes.

Call her three times before she calls me
back once. The phone-fade-out thing.

Finally I say,
"This is not needed in my life."

Somebody rejects me,
you know, a woman?

It drives me... Ah!
I hate it.

- Yeah?
- Seems like everything...

you know, work, these women...
feel like they're
getting out of balance, don't they?

Yeah, they really do, Howard.
We ought to do something about it.
You know why I'm still chipper,
big grin on my face, Howie?

Why is that?
Because I realized something.
I figured this out about a month ago.
I came home, and Suzanne
had just packed up the joint.

Yeah. She'd just gone.
Really? You never...
Left me a futon
and my poster of "American Gigolo."

Bitch even took the frame off it.
I'm standing there, no note...
not a "thanks for four years of a roof
over my bleached-blonde head"...nothing.

You know?
And it comes to me... the truth.
